Sunday, March 16, 2008

Week 5, "Green to Gold"

Dear Reader,

Thanks for tuning in. We're still educating ourselves, I'm educating MYSELF, on solar power, my first product in the suite. Also learning TONS of ways to save around the house with little or no investment.

This week the Greenbuilt Conference featured the amazing Andrew Winston, enviro-business consultant on what works and what doesn't in green business. While Ford, bless their intent spent 2 billion dollars to green up the old Rouge River Plant with a green roof and tons of improvements, Toyota focused on the part of their business with the greatest "green" opportunity- reducing emissions from people who use their product.

As Toyota showed record profits with the Prius, Detroit was cutting jobs and losing money...........this was a prime example of Toyota turning "Green to Gold"

Looking forward to my first product in place and my first sale.

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Week 4, Heading toward my first customer......

Dear Reader,

I'm assimilating all the information I can on solar power, my first product. It's fun to get immersed in good old basic physics. You have some calculations to perform to figure the best angle for a solar panel. Selling products will be my short term job, doing it just long enough until I can hire my first salesman.

At the same time, I'm digging in to research the best products available AND learn how to do an audit. I will put together a suite of products, to find the best way to save each person the most money.........

This company is self funding, so I'm excited to see how soon I can find my first customer and start saving them money, and hopefully, get them "off the grid". Off the grid, meaning, off the electricity purchasing grid.........

take good care,

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Week 3, Thinking like an Entrepreneur feels Good!

Dear Reader,

After I actually DID quit the day job, registered the biz, and started doing research on what to sell, I realized, as I'm sure many of you entrepreneurs have realized, there is a CRUCIAL difference between having a cool idea, and putting it into action.

In brief the biz plan is (was): 1) Independently rep some solar panels, AS I put together my suite of products, 2) Hire people to sell for me.

I found there was a lot more to selling solar panels than I had imagined. Translation: I'm not going to make money off solar for a while. The great news was I was called by a solar company I talked to and they asked if I would give them a sales seminar. BINGO! Got my way to make a buck. They also agreed to look at partnering on jobs I sell as installers.

So, siezing the opportunity, I have my adjusted plan: 1) Teach some sales seminars AS I educate myself on solar, 2) Sell solar AS I put together my suite of products, 3) Hire and teach folks to sell.

I'm sure this thing will morph in ways I cannot now imagine with the core idea of getting you off the grid!

Take good care of yourself,

p.s. Barry Gibbons made the point that when your business plan is all thought out, meditated over, researched, put together and bound in leather, you can be sure that that is the ONE thing that will not him..........

Monday, March 3, 2008

Week 3, Finding the First Product

Dear Reader,

Last week I had a great meeting with W. Reeves Clippard and his partner Andy at A and R Solar. They install thermal solar systems, systems that heat water. They feel it's a lot of bang for the buck for the consumer. They gave me a lot of great information.

This week I'm looking to "interview" several more products.

The strategy is to find and start selling products AS I learn to give audits and put together the suite of products. After that I hire salesmen and start working on growing the business.

Take good care of yourselves.

p.s.: I also talked to my accountant and will set up books this week

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Week 2, Find something to sell, NOW.....and the $

Dear Reader,

So, we're registered with the State of Washington, City of Seattle, and have our blog.

This week, I want to "interview" about 4 products to sell. First step, start selling stuff so I can support myself AS I put together the suite of products and determine how to do the home energy audit.

Also talk to my accountant tomorrow about how to set up the books............

Talk to you soon,

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 2 See Week 2 (smile)

Dear Reader,

To Do NOW!

1) Register Company with State.
2) Continue Research into Products.
3) Pick one product to sell NOW.
4) Print Biz Cards.
5) Get out networking with Energy Product Folks, and Entrepreneurs.
6) Meet and expand my group of Advisors.

Today I meet with
Lyle "BioLyle" Rudensey and find out about home biodiesel.

Also, this blog is now going weekly. I'll have planned updates on Sundays, sooner if great news pops up.

Take good care of yourself, and others.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Potential Energy Project Day 1

How would you like to drastically cut or even eliminate your need to buy electricity?

What if you could actually take the energy bombarding your house, the energy created in your house, and actually sell it back to the utility?

How would it feel to know you are saving money AND reducing your share of polluting energy creation?

Let me introduce you to The Potential Energy Project, a scalable company providing a suite of energy creating, collecting, and storage products that will contribute to just that.

This is Day 1. I started this blog as a first step. Along with the usual things like registering my company, I am also at Day 1 in terms of collecting my information on products.