Sunday, March 16, 2008

Week 5, "Green to Gold"

Dear Reader,

Thanks for tuning in. We're still educating ourselves, I'm educating MYSELF, on solar power, my first product in the suite. Also learning TONS of ways to save around the house with little or no investment.

This week the Greenbuilt Conference featured the amazing Andrew Winston, enviro-business consultant on what works and what doesn't in green business. While Ford, bless their intent spent 2 billion dollars to green up the old Rouge River Plant with a green roof and tons of improvements, Toyota focused on the part of their business with the greatest "green" opportunity- reducing emissions from people who use their product.

As Toyota showed record profits with the Prius, Detroit was cutting jobs and losing money...........this was a prime example of Toyota turning "Green to Gold"

Looking forward to my first product in place and my first sale.

Thanks for reading,

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